Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Cooking Corn On The Cob (QUICK)

http://www.foodbeast.com/2013/05/14/so-apparently-weve-been-cooking-corn-wrong-our-entire-lives/He grabbed two ears of corn out of the bag, husk-on, threw them in the nuke box, and went back to tending to the steaks. 7 or so minutes later (5-minute base, add a minute or so for every additional ear), he pulled them out of the microwave (they’re hot, use a glove!), cut the stalk-end off with a sharp knife, an inch-or-so above where the kernels start. Once that was done, he grabbed the other end and squeezed a perfectly cooked ear of corn out of the husk, with all the silk strings left sticking out of the husky-exoskeleton:
Read more at http://www.foodbeast.com/2013/05/14/so-apparently-weve-been-cooking-corn-wrong-our-entire-lives/#OzlryXKGiHsWt1rR.99
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Alabama Barbecue
