Wednesday, December 17, 2014

New Seafod Restaurant

Let's hope it is a seafood restaurant. Portland needs a real one. Why does this article need to point out that beef, chicken, lamb and pork will be served? We can go to Fore Strret for that. Trying to excite us by mentioning baked scrod and clam chowder. I thought this was their dream seafood restaurant?

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Curry-Perfumed Fish

At Proof on Main in the 21c Museum Hotel in Louisville, KY, executive chef Levon Wallace crafts a seasonally inspired menu that references the culinary traditions of the American South.
Rub curry paste on raw fish and let it sit for a day or two before gently rinsing it off, then cook as you normally would. You end up with this kind of intensified curry fragrance or perfume on your fish, rather than just adding it to your curry pot with coconut milk.

Thai Steak Salad


Sunday, October 26, 2014

Peruvian Grilled Beef Hearts

If you like chicken livers you will love this dish. Surprise! Beef hearts can be found at Hannafords on Forest Avenue in Portland Maine. The beef heart requires you to do some prep but worth the effort.

Thursday, June 5, 2014


If you experience erotic or gastric difficulties while enjoying oysters, consult a qualified professional.
French Quarter, 1998

"If you are fortunate to know a person who can wield an oyster knife, treat that person well. He is practicing an art form."  Michael Lee West

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Cooking Corn On The Cob (QUICK) grabbed two ears of corn out of the bag, husk-on, threw them in the nuke box, and went back to tending to the steaks. 7 or so minutes later (5-minute base, add a minute or so for every additional ear), he pulled them out of the microwave (they’re hot, use a glove!), cut the stalk-end off with a sharp knife, an inch-or-so above where the kernels start. Once that was done, he grabbed the other end and squeezed a perfectly cooked ear of corn out of the husk, with all the silk strings left sticking out of the husky-exoskeleton:
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Alabama Barbecue